Do you often feel the need to invest in many different instruments to create diverse and interesting music?
Notable guitarists throughout history have often owned and performed with what seems like countless guitars in order to produce their desired effect.
Popular guitarists who have achieved a lot of fame and fortune have the luxury of purchasing countless instruments, but for musicians who haven’t achieved that level of popularity, purchasing many instruments can put an irreparable dent in their wallets.
I’m here to show you some roundabout ways to use pedals to make your acoustic guitar turn into an acoustic electric guitar.
Purchase the Right Pedal
Technology has allowed us to change the tones of our instrument with the use of effect pedals. In order to create the illusion of an electric guitar when using an acoustic guitar, it’s important to use the right technology.
1. Multi Effects Units
Multi effects units will have a variety of different effects built into them and will allow you to experiment with many electric guitar style sounds.
These units are a great investment, because unlike pedals that complete one function, multi effects units are versatile and often have more effects than you’ll ever need.
The Zoom G5n Multi Effects Processor is a one of the best guitar units to get you started.
2. Synth Pedals
Another great type of pedal to consider is a synth pedal. Synth pedals have opened up a world of opportunity for experimenting with different sound effects.
By using a synth pedal, you can change the sound of the instrument you’re playing to mimic the sound of another instrument.
Remember that synth pedals are typically used to create the sounds of instruments other than guitar.
Often these pedals are used to create organ effects with the guitar, but almost any effect you can think of can be re-created.
These pedals are often so convincing, that if you close your eyes and listen to a synthesized instrument and a real instrument, you might not be able to distinguish between the two to determine which is the authentic instrument.
The Electro-Harmonix Super Ego will allow you to experiment with glissandos and oscillations, both of which could give you a more electric effect if used with the right technique.
3. Distortion Pedals
Distortion pedals can give any type of guitar a classic rock feel.
By using a distortion, overdrive, or fuzz pedal, you can create the “dirty” sound effect so often associated with rock music on electric guitar.
Since acoustic guitar is so much better softer and warmer than electric guitar, more intense distortion effects may be a better choice.
Fuzz pedals are known for dominating over the tones of an instrument more than any other distortion pedal, and some would say more than any other type of pedal in general.
This means it will be strategic use a fuzz pedal, as it will hide the acoustic quality of your instrument more effectively than other types.
For more information on setting up a pedalboard, follow this link.
Play with the Right Technique
Using certain techniques will also help to create the illusion of an electric guitar while using an acoustic guitar.
For example, power chords will be a great way to create a more metallic, vintage rock sound on your acoustic guitar.
Since power chords use the bass strings of your guitar, you’re sound will be much heavier, and will, therefore, more closely resemble the sound of an electric guitar.
Additionally, you’ll want to stay away from traditional picking patterns so often used on acoustic guitars.
While these picking patterns are great, they’re not normally heard on electric rhythm or lead guitars.
Instead, try picking notes in the style of a lead guitarist playing a solo. If you want to create the effect of an electric guitar, try bending pitches frequently in combination with power chords to hint at the style of classic rock guitarists shredding on their electric guitars.
If you combine all of these techniques with a distortion pedal, you’ll be unlikely to hear the natural acoustic tones in your sound, and you’ll be playing in a style that suits the genres typically associated with electric guitars.
For more information on acoustic guitar makers and the best guitar brands, follow this link.
Hopefully you found this article on how to make your acoustic guitar sound like an electric guitar useful.
No matter what acoustic guitar names you own, technology can give you a high quality sound.
Find the right pedals and use the right techniques and you’ll sound great in no time. If you want the a real electro-acoustic, here’s our acoustic-electric guitar reviews to help you pick a good one. Leave me a comment if you have any questions!